I hear you asking.......What is HIITT and Kick and why can’t this guys spell HIIT correctly?
Well first of all, welcome to the HIITT and Kick blog. My name is Jez and I’m the owner and founder of this uplifting and energising workout class.
Simply put, HIITT and Kick is a martial arts-based, high intensity interval workout (bit of a mouthful I know). The idea behind it, is to give people a good workout while understanding the techniques that they are doing.
That’s where the extra T comes in to play.
High Intensity Interval TECHNICAL Training.
(Makes sense now right?)
Fortunately for you, I’m not just making this up. Not only am I a qualified fitness instructor but I’m also a 4th dan (black belt) in karate and have been practicing for 27 years. So all routines and exercises are legitimate martial arts techniques or exercises design to build strength and improve fitness.

Why should I do a class?
Good question, I'm glad you asked.......
Have you ever done a combat based class and asked why am I doing this technique? Am I even doing it right?
In HIITT and Kick, we focus on a maximum of 6 techniques at a time. Put into an easy to remember routine, you'll find that before you know it, you could do it with your eyes closed (not advisable). You always have me there to help with the smaller details that will make a BIG difference.
Don't believe it, check out some of our testimonials to see what others are saying.
Add to this, that you can burn between 500 and 600 calories per hour, improve your strength and increase your mobility, HIITT and Kick is #morethanjustmoves.
If you‘d like to know more about the classes, get in touch or come down to a class. If you already do train with us......stay tuned as the routine change every 6 weeks, you know, just to keep you on your toes.
See you on the mat.